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I was first licenced as G8CTM in August 1969 and was active on 2m AM until I eventually managed to pass the Morse test. In November '69 I finally got my "class A" licence and have been on topband ever since. I was mobile on 160 when you still needed a separate licence! At home in Birmingham I use a 75m wire 18Mtrs high for 160 and LF - and an Off-Centre-Fed Dipole for 80 to 10m. I also have 4m/2m/70cm verticals and a 2m beam. When operating from my mum's home in Scotland I use a dipole at 20Mtrs high plus anything else I bother to string-up whilst I'm there.

I got going on LF in 1998 when 136kHz came into being and have been operational on there ever since. When 472kHz started I got going on there too. For the last 16 years (!) I have been writing the LF column in the RSGB RadCom magazine.

My main radio is a TS-2000 but I also have an Atlas 350XL, Atlas 180, Icom 735, Elad FDM-Duo, a lovely Kenwood TS-850 and there's a TS480HX in the car. Oh, I forgot the IC706MkllG, the JST135 and the FT817, and probably some others too... One day I intend to get a software defined radio but I haven't got round to it yet.

Most recent experiments have been with a small magnetic loop for the car which I hope to write-up soon.

There are several things here that may interest you; a design for a 500 Watt Mosfet PA for 160-40M, loads of info if you fancy mobile or remote operation, an easy loop aerial for small gardens and a few simple circuits. On this page you'll find some links to other radio related sites, there are specialist LF links on the 136 pages. To navigate around this site, follow the links on the left or try the super-duper Site Map.

me at Kempton Park rally

some links..

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